At 5150 Community Management, we recognize the enormous impact COVID-19 is having on individuals, their families, and the business community. We know many within our communities may need help and encourage you to utilize the resources below or reach out to our team. Your piece of mind is our number one priority.
At this time, we are following the executive order from Govenor Polis and our office remains closed to visitors. Please note, 5150 Community Management staff is working remotely with key staff members in the office to answer phones, process payments and ensure vendor invoices are being processed.
Mental Health Resources
- Emergency: 911
- Colorado Crisis Services
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-844-493-8255 or text “talk” to 38255
- If you are 55+: Area Agency on Aging: (303)455-1000
Food Resources
- Hunger Free Colorado
- Food Bank of the Rockies
- SNAP Benefits
- Meals on Wheels (must be over 60 and assessed homebound)
- Meals for Students (under the age of 18)
Medical Resources
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- Colorado Department of Health & Environment
- World Health Organization
- Connect for Health - Health Insurance Marketplace
- Free Nurse Resource: Call 844-259-9494 - 24 hours a day / 7 days a week (provided by Banner Health as a free resource)
Financial Resources
- Colorado Unemployment
- Housing Assistance
- Check with your financial institutions for support. Many are deferring payments or waiving late fees.
- Taxes: Both the Federal and State tax deadlines have been moved to July 15, 2020.
Miscellaneous Resources
- Transportation Services
- Comcast Free Internet for Low Income Households
- 2-1-1 Colorado – a confidential and bilingual service that links residents to Colorado resources. Reach out by calling 211 or 866-760-6489
- Colorado Official State COVID Website